RESEARCH PROPOSAL SAMPLE:  Effect of employee motivation on job satisfaction among health workers in the Nursing homes: A Case Study on Esteem Care, Banfield, Preston

Table of Contents


Research Problem statement 5

Objectives 6


Theoretical Review 6

Motivation theories 7

Maslow Motivational Theory 7

Herzberg’s motivation 7

Empirical evidence 8

Impact of Career development on Job satisfaction among health workers 8

Impact of Resources Availability and Better remuneration on Job satisfaction among health workers 8

Impact of the Job description on Job satisfaction among health workers 9

Impact of a good work environment on job satisfaction among health workers 9


Research Philosophy 10

Interpretivism 10

Deductive Approach 10

Research Methods 10

Quantitative research 10

Population/case study 11

Sampling 11

Data collection 11

Data analysis 12

Limitations 12

Ethical consideration 12

Timeline 12





Job satisfaction is crucial in the workplace because it aids in motivation. Job satisfaction has been defined as the extent to which employees have positive feelings about work or their work environments. In recent months, organizations have witnessed a decline in employee satisfaction rates (Villanova, 2019). Prioritizing job satisfaction in the workplace is essential because people tend to spend a good percentage of their time in their workplaces. Factors that gravely determines job satisfaction are an organization work environment and how well employees are motivated. Working in environments that give employees the morale to work concurrently promotes high job satisfaction rates (MBA Skool Team, 2020). Workers can achieve job satisfaction through the provision of stable and healthy work environments by employers. Owing to this fact, it is the primary duty of organizations to create healthy work environments through which employees can produce maximum results.

Different scholars have developed different dimensions of job satisfaction. According to Blackstone (2019), a healthy work environment is a primary contributor to job satisfaction. Various surveys, however, have developed different components to rate job satisfaction effectively. A survey by the CNBC shows that job satisfaction, respect and a healthy working environment positively contribute to job satisfaction (Munir & Rahman, 2016). On the other hand, factors such as job insecurities, poor communication, and constant rewards to non-performers can equally result in employee demotivation. Therefore, organizations’ primary duty is to ensure that employees remain motivated because it increases work efficiency and performance. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of employee motivation on job satisfaction among healthcare workers in nursing homes using Esteem Care, Preston.

Research Problem statement

Over the past few years, health care workers in nursing homes have depicted a steep descent in job satisfaction rates following the global pandemic, Covid 19. The decrease in employee satisfaction rates in workers has resulted from increased turnover rates. According to Jacimovic (2020), most UK employees are unhappy with their jobs compared to a decade ago. Averagely, only 64% claim to be happy with their current role while 59% think about quitting their jobs. The 64% decline from 74% of job satisfaction rates in 2016 (Royal Nursing College, 2020). The decline in job satisfaction rates has especially been witnessed in the health sector. The decline has primarily been confined to Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses. In England, Registered Nurses account for 45% in community health settings. Currently, the country has recorded over 40,000 nursing vacancies in health and care settings in England. According to a survey conducted by Royal Nursing College (2020), the primary reason behind the steep descent in nurses in the HCS in the UK is the poor working conditions and unpaid overtime from health care centers. As a result, many nurses are dissatisfied with their work, therefore, promoting unmotivated employees.


  1. To determine the impact of Career development on Job satisfaction among health workers in Nursing homes.
  2. To determine the impact of Resources Availability and Better remuneration on Job satisfaction among health workers in Nursing homes.
  3. To determine the impact of the Job description on Job satisfaction among health workers in the Nursing home.
  4. To determine the impact of a good work environment on job satisfaction among health workers in Nursing homes.


Theoretical Review

Employee motivation has been defined as the willingness to expend energy towards the actualization of company goals. The success of any organization or institution is based on how well employees are motivated. Factors such as communication, opportunities, and rewards for performance are some of the guiding principles of employee motivation. According to Seijts & Crim (2006), effective communication in an organization positively contributes to improved productivity. Besides, those workers that perform their duties with excellence should be rewarded and recognized. These factors will keep employees motivated, therefore improving their overall job satisfaction.

Motivation theories

Maslow Motivational Theory

Human needs are based on a hierarchy of needs, according to Maslow: physiological, protection, affection, esteem, and self-actualization needs (Koltko-Rivera, 2006). This principle goes on to say that lower-level needs must be met first before higher-level needs can be met. Fulfilled conditions do not motivate an individual compared to how high-level needs motivate an individual. A pay raise can be motivating because it satisfies workers’ needs, as Maslow suggests, and has a direct impact on their engagement (Rynes, Gerhart & Jamp; Minette, 2004).

Herzberg’s motivation

According to Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, occupational factors determine job satisfaction or lack thereof (Herzberg, Mausner & Snyderman, 2011). Herzberg identified motivators to be things like achievement, recognition, opportunities, advancement relationship with the supervisor, and working environment. McClelland postulated the needs theory in which he observed that humans are driven by motivators such as achievement, affiliation, or power.

Empirical evidence

Impact of Career development on Job satisfaction among health workers

Career development is crucial for an individual aspiring to achieve growth and develop their preferred future. Career development has been defined as the integrated services and procedures that meet the organization’s needs. Through effective career development programs in an organization, Human Resource managers and relevant stakeholders work together to plan, and monitor career developments and state affairs related to workers’ work life. According to Sinha (2019), organizations, and especially health care institutions, can no longer afford to squander existing HR asserts since employee development promotes corporate development. Employers can achieve job satisfaction in health care systems through developing effective career development systems. Effective career development systems in health care organizations promote increased workers’ motivation, promoting organizational effectiveness (Sinha, 2019). Through effective career development programs in health care institutions, employee aspirations are matched, therefore contributing towards the healthcare’s overall effectiveness.

Impact of Resources Availability and Better remuneration on Job satisfaction among health workers

Recent research by the Society of Human Resource Management shows that employee satisfaction was highest a decade ago where 88% of employees claimed to be satisfied with their job (Miller, 2021). Three drivers which promoted employee satisfaction were respectful treatment of health care workers, the availability of needed resources facilitating their safety, and favorable compensation benefits. However, the past decade has witnessed a decline in job satisfaction rates among health workers following the stagnation of wage growth rates in the sector. According to Mabaso and Dlamini (2017), better remunerations in health care institutions attract and motivate and increase the chances of retaining effective health workers for more extended periods. Although respectful treatment remains essential, compensation is a crucial job satisfaction factor promoting employee motivation.

Impact of the Job description on Job satisfaction among health workers

According to Bakan, Baytukbese, Sezer & Ersahan (2014), a job description is how organizations identify qualities and state responsibilities for a particular job. In health care institutions, job descriptions directly affect overall employee satisfaction. When employees understand their duties, they realize what the organization requires from them and, therefore, can achieve the set goals and objectives depending on their work descriptions. According to Soberman, Iyer and Cristen, (2006), organizations committed to creating fair and straightforward relationships with their staff are bound to succeed. Job description, therefore, gives a sense of responsibility and commitment to workers, leading to motivation and job satisfaction.

Impact of a good work environment on job satisfaction among health workers

Organizations cannot underestimate the impact of a good work environment on job satisfaction. Attractive and supportive work environments have numerous properties that affect health care workers’ ability to perform their assigned duties. Across health care institutions, healthy work environments are characterized by an effective management system, job security, autonomy, and existing relationships between coworkers. According to Raziq & Maulabakhsh (2015), once employees in a health care institution realize that firm considers the important, it becomes easier for them to develop a sense of ownership towards the organization. Respect between members of an organization and the management also promotes work satisfaction. For instance, a healthcare facility where the supervisor looks down on employees creates hostile work environments, which demotivates employees. This could result in increased employee turnover in that institution. Therefore, the overall productivity of employees is primarily determined by the environment in which they work.


Research Philosophy


In this study, interpretivism was used to investigate the effects of job motivation on job satisfaction among health care workers in a Nursing home in Esteem Care, Preston. According to the interpretivism approach, human beings are complex individuals and tend to reason differently across all aspects of life. Therefore, this approach will assist in determining the various factors that ensure that employees remain motivated and satisfied, based on the interpretivism social action theory, which states that individual actions are not defined by their social backgrounds (Will & Jost, 2021).

Deductive Approach

This study conducted a systematic review of literature related to job motivation and job satisfaction in a health care facility at Esteem Care, Banfield, Preston. The study adopted a deductive approach to develop a hypothesis based on a theory that states that employee motivation directly affects job satisfaction to health care workers. The study also tests the validity of the aforestated theory and thus used to investigate whether employee motivation promotes job satisfaction in health care workers.

Research Methods

This research gravely relies on a quantitative approach. This process involves collecting, analyzing, and accurately presenting information through a practical computational approach. This study aims to measure the relationships between job motivation on employee satisfaction through prompt considerations of impacts of career development, availability of resources, job description, and work environment on job satisfaction and motivation.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is the process of gathering observational data to answer research questions using statistical and computational procedures. The advantages of adopting quantitative research are that data collected is reliable because it can be tested and checked (Devault, 2020). Also, interpretation of statistical data is easy and straightforward, therefore less open to error and subjectivity. The research will adopt computational techniques will be adopted to give meaning from information. The study will then be strategically organized to pave the way for applying the four objectives of the study.

Population/case study

The investigation is focused on Esteem Care, Banfield, Preston in the UK. Esteem Care is an independent health care regulator in England. The primary role of the institution is to ensure that health and social care service providers provide safe, high-quality, and effective health care quality. The research targets Esteem Care Nursing home, which has a total of approximately 11- 50 employees. Twenty participants will be used for this study from each department. The research will draw different employees from different departments in the health care facility. Variations from each department will not exceed a maximum of two employees.


It shall use systematic sampling to ensure that all the categories of both primary and secondary sources are taken into consideration. For this study, sampling shall be based on the organizations’ departments. The sampling equation to be followed;



n= sample size

N= Population size

e= 0.05 acceptable error

Data collection

Data collection will rely on primary sources of information. The questionnaire design was arranged such that all questions were set in terms of simple to complex questions. The format developed for the questionnaire was closed-ended and included checklist questions that asked participants to tick one or more choices. The language used for the questionnaire was simple and avoided the use of ambiguous words.

Data analysis

The research will use statistical analysis to analyze data. The study shall adopt regression and correlation to create connections between the four research objectives. The use of SPSS shall be adopted as the primary software for data analysis for the research.


The primary limitations of this study are time and money. The study will take a maximum of seven months to complete, during which all research objectives have to be considered. Also, the preparation of questionnaires will bring about financial constraints following intensive printings and other logical issues.

Ethical consideration

All obligatory research directions and guidelines were adhered to throughout this study. All borrowed information was cited appropriately and per the guiding principles. The participation of the respondent was based on informed consent. The respondents have first explained what the process was about and voluntarily participated in this study without expecting any form of compensation. Instead of using the original names of the respondents, codes were used to achieve confidentiality and anonymity of the respondents. The study was also approved by the University and case study; esteem care, Banfield, Preston.


Task May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Preparation and Submission of Proposal
Correction Based on Supervisors Feedback
Conducting Literature Review
Preparation and Sending sample Questionnaires
Collection of Data
Data Analysis and Documentation
Preparing it for final submission
Final submission


In conclusion, employee motivation affects employee’s satisfaction towards a particular job. The availability of information on how employee motivation affects employee productivity is overwhelming and proves that workers’ job satisfaction depends on the organization’s motivational aspects. The study specifically lay its focus on Esteem Care, Banfield, Preston, a Nursing home in England, U.K. Therefore, I propose to perform a quantitative interpretative survey to explore the impacts of career development, resource availability, job description, and work environment on job satisfaction. This research will provide information that will use Esteem Care health center to investigate employee motivation’s connection to job satisfaction.


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