Module 1: Assignment Gap/Problem Identified



This assignment begins the building of your proposal for the final practicum. Using APA format (includes title page and references) identify a gap/problem. First start with statistical significance of the problem nationally, then at the state level, and lastly at the local level. This is done so that the reader (GNRC reviewers or others) understands the significance of the problem with the use of data. If you do not include data/statistics to get the readers attention they will not feel like the problem you are addressing is really that significant. Identify if it is a process or if it is a practice problem. The problem MUST be something that is in your scope of being able to change.

Go to the assignment and click on rubric to get the details for your paper development.

Your paper should include:

1. Title Page (UTA)

2. In one page (no more than 1 1/2 page) describe the national, state, local gap using statistics.

3. Use APA format with proper title page, reference page, and headings

4.Go to resources for students in this course for APA formatted title page, and directions for writing.


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1/19/23, 10:52 AM Module 1: Assignment Gap/Problem Identified

Gap/Problem Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts


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Problem Identification

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Social Significance

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Spelling & Grammar

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APA format
view longer descriplcm

10 pts

Full Marks

The gap/problem is clearly identified and is feasible to be addressed

20 pts

Full Marks

The gap/problem identified is supported
with at least three sources and includes
national, state, and local data/statistics to
show there is an actual problem no more
than 1 to 1 1/2 pages

10 pts

Full Marks

The gap/problem is addressed regarding
the local organization and includes the
wider social significance of the problem

10 pts

Full Marks

No errors in spelling and grammar. Does
not start sentences with %. All grammar
flows, is precise, concepts are clearly

identified and easy to follow no disjointed thoughts, and is not wordy.

10 pts

Full Marks

Follows APA format with Title page,
reference page. proper headings. and in-
text citations as well as references are all properly formatted

0 pts

No Marks

There is no gap, or the gap is unrealistic and cannot feasibly be addressed

0 pts

No Marks

There are no statistics or data to support the idea that it is a gap/problem at the

national, state, and local level. if partially addressed it is not addressed and will not receive points.

0 pts

No Marks

No identified problem addressed at the
local organization. nor is there anything

discussed on the wider social significance

0 pts

No Marks

Grammatical errors. spelling errors,
Percentages using % starts a sentence.
Grammar does not flow, sentences do not
make sense because of disjointed
thoughts, too wordy and not precise.

0 pts

No Marks

APA formatting is incorrect_ Title page, reference page. headings. and in-text citations as well as references are not properly formatted

5110 pts

10 / 20 pts

5 / 10 pts

7110 pts

8 / 10 pts

Total Points: 35

( ( 2/4


Module 2: Assignment PICOT(S)


Assignment: PICOT(S) Question

This assignment continues to build your proposal as you add the PICOT(S) question. First, make all edits your faculty have requested from the feedback you received on the Gap/Problem. Be sure to make all edits. Once completed, using APA format (adding references as
needed) add your PICOT(S) to the proposal and submit it into the portal.

Directions: Use the Gap/Problem Paper and keep building this proposal. Fix anything in your gap/problem paper and add the PICOT(S) written as P=, 1=, C=, 0=, T=, S=. Once that is done you can then formulate the actual question that will be posed.

Go to the assignment and click on rubric to get the details for your paper development.

Your paper should include:

1. Use the current proposal paper that has already been returned to you with feedback and is in APA format. Clean all portions of the
proposal where faculty provided feedback with the last submission. Add the PICOT(S) to resubmit the total proposal for review

2. In one page or less add the PICOT(S) and written question that goes with your gap/problem that was identified; be sure to identify first
the what the components are (P, I, C, 0. T. S) and then write the question

3. Use APA format with proper title page, reference page, and headings

4.Go to resources for students in this course for APA formatted title page, and directions for writing as needed SEE RUBRIC FOR DETAILED GRADING

Submission Instructions:

Due 23:59 (CT) on assigned week. No late assignment.

\-/ View Rubric

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10 pts

Full Marks

Population correctly identified

10 pts

Full Marks

Intervention correctly identified

10 pts

Full Marks

Intervention correctly stated as compared
to current practice of

10 pts

Full Marks

Outcomes correctly stated and realistic

10 pts

Full Marks

Module 2: Assignment PICOT(S)

0 pts

No Marks

Poorly written or inappropriately identified population

0 pts

No Marks

Intervention poorly written or
inappropriately identified population

0 pts

No Marks

Comparison poorly written or inappropriately stated

0 pts

No Marks

Outcome poorly written or inappropriately stated or not realistic for the intervention and/or population

0 pts

No Marks


/ 10 pts

10 pts

10 pts

/ 10 pts

view longer description


view longer description

Spelling and grammar
view longer description

APA format
view longer description

Time correctly stated and realistic with time for the data collection and time for the

intervention in full.

10 pts

Full Marks

Setting correctly stated as in the specific
setting and/or the type of setting such as med-surg unit in an acute hospital

10 pts

Full Marks

No errors in spelling or grammar

10 pts

Full Marks

Follows APA format with Title page,
reference page. proper headings, and in-
text citations as well as references are all properly formatted

Time poorly written or inappropriately I 10 pts

stated or not realistic

0 pts

No Marks

Setting poorly written or inappropriately / 10 pts


0 pts

No Marks

/ 10 ptS

Grammatical errors or spelling errors

0 pts

No Marks

APA formatting is incorrect: Title page,
/ 10 pts

reference page. headings. and in-text citations as well as references are not properly formatted

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Criteria Ratings Pts

Made all edits to the last proposal before Did not make edits, or made only partial

continuing to add the current section edits

Total Points: 0

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